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FRINGE REVIEW: Everything in New Orleans is a Good Idea offers nice message

Everything in New Orleans is a Good Idea

3 out of 5 stars

Stage 16, Sue Paterson Theatre, 8406 Rue Marie-Anne Gaboury

Well-known Fringer Bremner Fletcher returns to the Edmonton Fringe with a one-man show about his experiences falling in love with the music, culture, and spirit of New Orleans.

At least, that’s the pitch for his newest show, “Everything in New Orleans is a Good Idea”, which he’s performed in numerous other Fringe around the world. And I have to give it to Bremner, he’s a funny and exuberant performer who seems both light on his feet despite being obviously weighed by his extensive life experience.

His passion for the city certainly comes through during the parts of his story that actually take place there – he particularly highlighted the culturally distinct quarters and how music became a grand cross-cultural unifier. He even finishes the show with a drag performance to honour some of his friends and other artists from New Orleans.

However, what promises to be a musical and narrative journey highlighting what makes New Orleans great, what we get is more of a partial auto-biography told in front of a movie screen showing looped clips of people partying in the Big Easy. It often felt that Bremner wasn’t sure what story he wanted to tell, vacillating between his journey to self-acceptance and the different aspects of New Orleans that make it great. But I don’t feel he ever manages to marry the two subjects in a way that was narratively satisfying.

I do respect the ultimate message of the show, though: life is brief and precious, and you should write the songs in your heart while you have the chance.

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